
A former youngARTS finalist, Presidential Scholar in the Arts Semifinalist, recipient of regional gold keys from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and several other endowments, Elizabeth is dedicated to the craft of writing.  If of course, diligence and devotion is defined by only writing sporadically, perpetually feeling far too inadequate to pursue real artistry, and attending an off the map liberal arts college in unexplored territories of Maryland.  Check back weekly to hear about the ever so gripping mundanities of her life.
Wanna know the recipe for abroadnamedbetty.blogspot.com?  All you need is about three quarters of a cup of baroque language, a half cup of quips, and two tablespoons of nostalgia for the immediate and distant past.  Blend with your KitchenAid mixer, place in a preheated oven at three hundred and fifty degrees, bake for about an hour, and voilà!
The header, content, and insignificant ramblings on this site are all produced by yours truly.  I'd be ever so flattered if you chose to reproduce a portion of my posts, but please give credit where due, which would ideally entail a link back to my blog.  Thanks!