Sunday, January 30, 2011

A + B = C

School is a monotony far deeper, far more complex, than the pure and simple couch canoodling lifestyle. It goes a little something like this: class, eat, nap, work, study, prepare, class, nap, eat, work, study, prepare. Notice there is no conception of "sleep" or "bed" in this continuum, only naps, because the scale does not allow for true inactivity of the nervous system. Even the weekend seems to usher in due dates for endless assignments, and most everyone has by now realized that drunken obliteration in itself becomes a tedious repetition.

Such is the predicament of college, of the proclaimed best years of our lives. It's ho hum and humdrum, and I'd rather be planning weddings or popping out babies or working on my memoirs.

I wonder when American universities and professors will realize that the steady increase of allocated readings and papers and presentations does not yield balance, productivity, or our supposed self-defined ideas about success.

There aren't even challenges anymore, other than that of fitting incalculable amounts of work into the twenty-four hours distributed to a day. Let's face it: excess no longer can solely be associated with our literal waste and lavishness. How long will it take for the world to be exhausted by its own intemperance?


  1. i guess college was dull in the way that life is dull in general

  2. Um... I'm going back to school next fall. And, uh, I was counting on having lots of free time to sleep and drink. You're saying that things have gotten busier? Going to have to look into this.

    Nice blog!


  3. I could not agree more at the moment. I'm in my third year of college right now, and honestly, I'm sick of it. Same routine... I'd rather be planning trips, creating things (other than papers)...anything other than this. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one who feels this way!

    stopping over from 20sb, by the way.
    (p.s. giveaway right now if you're interested!)


  4. Not long, in my opinion. College is just a four year course in survival before you're smacked with the 'real world' dilemmas. Personally, I miss high school when my biggest worry was how I was going to cheat on my vocabulary test.


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